
Friday, November 13, 2015

Swiss carrier says Nokia Lumia 900 coming in February 2012

The Nokia Lumia 900 is not even official yet, but with leaks here and there, it almost feels like it is. And if you ask Swiss carrier Swisscom, it’s also on track to getting released at the end of February 2012.
At least, that’s what the carrier’s answer was to Swiss customer Xavier Hahn who asked about the release date of the Nokia Lumia 800 or 900. Now, the Lumia 800 is already released in various markets, but speaking so openly about the Lumia 900 might turn out to indeed be a confirmation that the device is not only real but also coming soon.
Nokia denied to confirm Swisscom’s statement saying it doesn’t comment on "market rumor or speculation." So we’re left guessing about the technical details of the suggested Lumia 900. Most rumors, though, agree on the possibility of a 4.3-inch display and a 1.4GHz single-core processor. Other guesses point out that the device is likely to also have an 8-megapixel Carl Zeiss camera and 16GB of internal memory.

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