
Friday, November 13, 2015

Windows Phone gets 20% of Finnish mobile browser market, taking share from iOS and Android

According to Statcounter's latest weekly stats, Windows Phone now owns 20.24% of the mobile browser usage in...Finland. Sure, you might be saying to yourself that the country is home to Nokia, so why wouldn't Windows Phone do well there. Trust us when we say that this country does not play hometown favorites. After all, all the platforms together for Nokia (Windows Phone + Symbian+Meego+S40) dropped from nearly 70% in the first week of 2010 to a current reading near 30%

What might tickle Windows Phone users teal (the color of the platform on the graph) is that over the last few weeks, the market share on mobile browsers that Windows Phone has picked up in Finland has come at the expense of iOS and Android. The latter still has a small lead in the country with iOS second and Nokia third.

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