
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Google Glass can make a come back !!

It’s been a long time since we heard anything about Google Glass. Yes, we are talking about that spectacle containing a tiny computer, whose production was stopped by Google earlier this year. It could have been the end of it, but Google never stopped developing the project. Today, a report has came out that says Google Glass could resurface again.

According to Droid Life, an FCC (Federal Communication Commission) filing by Google indicates that the company is working on a new version of Google Glass. Filed under the FCC ID A4R-GG1, the term ‘GG’ indicates Google Glass. Unlike most devices, which are labelled in FCC as mobile or a wearable, this one has been labelled as “BLUETOOTH & DTS/UNII a/b/g/n/ac” with model name “GG1″.
According to the website, the device has Bluetooth LE and rechargeable, non-removable batteries that can’t be accessed…. the product comes with an AC charger and USB cable that when connected to a PC, can provide a “path for charging and data transfer.”
For all we know, the device could be a smartphone or a tablet, but the fact that it hasn’t been labelled as a phone or wearable and Google used the initials GG, this could be the next version of Google Glass. Of course, it’s all speculation until and unless Google announces it.

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